The NSCBC Executive Committee is appointed every year during our AGM. All members are welcome to attend committee meetings, which are held regulary throughout the year.

Elected Officeholders
PresidentDavid Feganpresident@nscbaseball.co.nz 
Vice President (VP)Camryn Brown vicepresident@nscbaseball.co.nz
TreasurerChris Kimtreasurer@nscbaseball.co.nz 
SecretaryJonathan Hullsadmin@nscbaseball.co.nz 


Appointed Heads and Leads
Head CoachToshiki Nakaoheadcoach@nscbaseball.co.nz
Head of Baseball Operations (HOBO)Mark Greensladehobo@nscbaseball.co.nz
New Facilities LeadAdam Loughadam.lough@nscbaseball.co.nz
Grants LeadBelinda Loughbelinda.lough@nscbaseball.co.nz
Sponsorship LeadTBD
Fundraising Events LeadYas Greensladeyas.greenslade@nscbaseball.co.nz


General Committee Members
Ben Phippen
Corey Vandenbos
Daniel Morrison
Kaye Penney
Paul Schnuriger